the Grand conseil du vin de bordeaux
CommanderIES, wine brotherhoods

Wine Brotherhood

June 25, 2024

Spring Festival of the Jurade de Saint-Emilion, 16th June 2024

Every year, on the third Sunday of June, regular attendees, lovers of the Wines of Saint-Emilion and new ambassadors come together to celebrate the life that stimulates the vines and transforms the blossom into promising clusters of grapes.

It is an opportunity for the members of the Jurade to put on their ceremonial attire and welcome new ambassadors, including His Excellency André-Magnus EKOUMOU, Ambassador to Cameroon in France.

Watch the short video of this wonderful day presented by the Jurade of Saint-Emilion, on Sunday 16th June 2024: induction ceremony, followed by a magnificent lunch, served with a marvellous selection of Saint-Emilion’s wines, held in the Dominicains’ Hall.

Click HERE
