
FR - EN - CN - JP - DE
Grand Maître

1st July 2024

Dear Grands Maîtres,
Dear Maîtres Émérites,
Dear Maîtres,
Dear Commandeurs,
Dear Friends,

We hear a great deal about the environment, ecology, climate change, etc…. Depending on where we are located on planet “earth,” each one of us can observe these unusual, extreme climate events.

This is certainly true for the past six months in Bordeaux.  Winter should finally let go in the next few days and let us move towards the summer, without spring having made an appearance.  Rain, hail, one day hot, one day cold, all these weather elements cause great difficulties for nature, for our vineyards and they challenge people’s strength to withstand!

In certain regions of Europe, we have seen men and women, whatever their religion, praying for rain to fall.  Bordeaux has certainly been heard! In the meantime, violent hailstorms have struck our vineyards.   Grand Maître Emérite, Michel-Pierre Massonie, speaking of his family wine estate in Lalande de Pomerol, says he has never seen anything like this since he arrived at this property more than 70 years ago!   One more catastrophe, in an already highly complex environment for us all.  Our thoughts go out to all winegrowers.



1952年,来自梅多克地区的葡萄酒业精英、时任波尔多葡萄酒行业联合委员会(CIVB)主席的亨利·马丁创建了波尔多葡萄酒骑士团总团Grand Conseil du Vin de Bordeaux,简写GCVB),将在全法国和全球五大洲上代表波尔多葡萄酒的各个骑士团和兄弟会整合起来。





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