the Grand conseil du vin de bordeaux
CommanderIES, wine brotherhoods


June 20, 2024

Winegrowers in a state of shock after violent hail storms

Source : Vitisphère

Excerpt from an article written by Marion Bazireau on 19th June 2024

Two nights of hail storms destroyed the harvest in a part of the Médoc and the winegrowing area of Saint-Emilion, towards Fronsac, Lalande-de-pomerol and Lussac.  Winegrowers impacted are totally disheartened.

Stupefaction on the right bank of Bordeaux. Walking around his plots, a winemaker realised on the morning of June 19th that he had lost all his harvest in Lalande-de-Pomerol, Néac and Lussac, in the space of 30 minutes.

The storm started before midnight on the night of June 18th 2024.

“The storm began over La Lande-de-Fronsac, Saint-Michel-de-fronsac, then moved up slightly onto Pomerol, before passing over Lalande-de-pomerol, and cutting between Saint-Christophe-des-Bardes, Les Artigues-de-Lussac and Saint-Denis-de-pile”, says Jérôme Laduye, coordinator of the Girondin network of Adelfa. This morning at around
5 a.m., hail fell near La Réole, towards Camiran, Saint-Félix-de-foncaude and Morizès. “Two winegrowers from Saint-Félix believe they have lost 90% of their harvest” he regrets.

1 900 hectares of vines damaged in the Médoc

The day before, on June 17th, the storm wreaked havoc at the tip of the Médoc. “The storm arrived around 1:30 a.m. on Tuesday from Hourtin and Naujac-sur-Mer. Hailstones the size of golf balls hit the villages of Gaillan-en-Médoc, north of Bégadan, Valeyrac, and Jau-Dignac-et-Loirac,” recounts Romain Tourdias, viticultural advisor for the Chamber of Agriculture.

The damage is up to 80% loss in plots closest to the Gironde Estuary. «More than 1 900 hectares are impacted and 134 wine estates are affected" says Nathalie Delattre, Senator of the Gironde and co-President of the National Association of Vine and Wine Representatives.

Branches broken, foliage chopped and clusters smashed by hail.
Crédit photo : Laurent Rousseau


