the Grand conseil du vin de bordeaux
CommanderIES, wine brotherhoods


December 25, 2025

2025 EUROPE : Dates of key events of the Commanderies de Bordeaux and Visits to the Bordeaux Wine Region in 2025

Commanderie de Bordeaux Bristol

45th Anniversary Banquet
Merchants’ Hall, Bristol
3rd July 2025

Commanderie de Bordeaux Flanders

Tasting - Châteaux Fonroque & Mazeyres
13th March 2025

Visite to the Bordeaux Wine Region
with the Executive Board 
Week of 12th May 2025

Inductions & Gala Dinner
6th December 2025

 Commanderie de Bordeaux Malmö

Visit to the Bordeaux Wine region
15 participants
May 2025

Commanderie de Bordeaux Manchester

Bistro Night at King Street Townhouse
24th January 2025

La Fête at Manchester Hall
21st March 2025

Commanderie de Bordeaux Oslo

Annual Meeting
25th February 2025
