the Grand conseil du vin de bordeaux
CommanderIES, wine brotherhoods

The Grand Conseil du Vin de Bordeaux

June 4, 2024

Commanderie de Bordeaux in Beijing. An induction ceremony presided by the Grand Maître of the GCVB, Jean-Marc Dulong and dinner, on 23rd May 2024

Maître XI Yanping  

At the Beijing Marriott Hotel, on 23rd May 2024, a splendid induction ceremony was held by the Commanderie de Bordeaux in Beijing.

The French Ambassador to China, Mr Bertrand Lortholary, was the guest of honour of this evening.

The Grand Maître of the Grand Conseil du Vin de Bordeaux, Jean-Marc Dulong came to preside over this ceremony, during which ten new Commandeurs were inducted.
