the Grand conseil du vin de bordeaux
CommanderIES, wine brotherhoods


May 6, 2024

Commanderie de Bordeaux in Tokyo. Dinner with Mrs Barbara Freed, from the Commanderie de Bordeaux in Philadelphia

With a few members of the Commanderie de Bordeaux in Tokyo, we welcomed with pleasure Mrs Barbara Freed and Mr Alan Mitterman, from the Commanderie de Bordeaux in Philadelphia. We had dinner at the “Kakiden” restaurant, specialist of Japanese cuisine.

Our discussion that evening was extremely productive, thanks to the intermediary of some good Bordeaux wine.

The members of the Commanderie de Bordeaux in Tokyo present for this evening:

Mr Suzuki, Maître

Mr Yasuda, Vice-Maître

Mr Kitamura, member of the committee

Mr Yoshizawa, deputy Grand Maître for the Commanderies de Bordeaux in Japan
